Are there any extra charges with adding my business, or can I do it for free?

Are there any extra charges with adding my business, or can I do it for free?

Adding Your Business on Insta Charter: No Extra Charges

The good news is that adding your aviation business on Insta Charter is completely free of charge. There are no additional costs associated with the act of adding your business to the platform.

However, it's important to note that Insta Charter offers different plans, such as Basic and Premium, which come with subscription fees. These subscription plans provide additional features and benefits beyond simply listing your business. While there may be costs associated with these subscription plans, adding your business itself is a complimentary service.

In all scenarios, the act of adding your business to Insta Charter's platform is cost-free, and any charges you might encounter are related to the subscription plans, which offer various enhancements and services to help you make the most of the platform.