Users can access different profiles and details about different aviation companies in the directory of Insta Charter.
Here's how the directory appears within the app. If you've listed your company, it will be displayed like this.
This is how your profile details will be shown in the directory. WHO IS THIS FOR?
This is for buyers as well as operators.
Directory is one source for information related operators, brokers and FBO's in the business aviation marketplace. Whether you require company contact details, their aircraft information including photos, base airports, their offered services, or website you can find them in Insta Charter's directory.
This is how your screen will appear when you don't sign up.
This is how the screen will appear when you sign up on Insta Charter. In order to view fleet and schedule, you need
basic plan.
You can utilize the filter option to conduct a country-specific search for operators and brokers.
It saves time and effort of operators and buyers by offering one place to access a wide range of information related to the companies of operators, brokers and FBO's.

Directory is accessible to all users.

Filter option is not available for FBO's.